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ML in Web

Well you know how to make a face recognition model. Cool. Want to take it one step further and integrate that ML model into a website. Two technologies coming together to make things better. This is what happens in the real world. A stand-alone model when combined with web or app boosts the potential of the whole architecture.


After you make a model, there are several ways in which you can use it in production. The most basic one being making an API of it using the Flask Web Framework. At this point it's good to learn a web framework and you can follow this playlist.

Now moving onwards with how you can integrate ML with web - This playlist by Krish Naik can help you understand how that is done with some projects that you can code along.


The official TensorFlow.js docs have enough to get you started with it. There, You can learn about training models, transfer learning and deployment.

A very cool application of TensorFlow.js is Teachable Machine.

Some more tutorials to help you wrap your head around ML in Javascript: