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Blogs & GitHub Repos

Here is a collection of certain blogs and GitHub repositories that might be helpful.

Colah's BlogBlogStay ahead of the curve with this. Very informative.
Better ExplainedBlogMath + ML combination.
Andrej Karpathy BlogBlogAndrej is the guy 🔥. His article on RNNs is pure genius.
A visual introduction to Machine LearningBlogVisual treat 🤩
Josh Meyer's WebsiteBlogHigh level content.
Machine Learning MasteryBlogYou will find it one way or another. Debugging erros will eventually take you here.
Jay Alammar BlogBlogInteractive and brilliant. Especially the one on Transformers. Gold.
Towards Data ScienceBlogMedium Blogs are always good. Towards Data Science is one of them.
Applied MLRepo📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
ML NotebooksRepo🔥 A series of code examples for all sorts of machine learning tasks and applications.
AI ResourcesRepoA curated list of Best Artificial Intelligence Resources
ML Youtube CoursesRepo📺 A place to discover the latest machine learning courses on YouTube.
Deep Learning with TensorflowRepoAll course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
Andrew Ng DL NotesRepoThis is Andrew NG Coursera DL Handwritten Notes.
A.I Project IdeasRepo500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
Andrew Ng ML Assignment in PythonRepoPython assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.


Quickly want to revise all the important concepts. Here's a google drive folder that contains short notes for all ML related things.

Until next time! 🚀